
4 years 4 months ago

Rambling thoughts on the impact of the 2020 elections on the practice of bankruptcy law.
Unless both Georgia senate runoff races are won by the Democratic Party candidates, it appears that the United States Senate will still be ruled by the Republicans and Mitch McConnell.
Why does this matter? Because if the Democrats take control of the Senate you can expect Senator Elizabeth Warren to lead up a crusade to overturn the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2005.  Senator Warren has campaigned to make several changes to the bankruptcy laws, including:

  • Making student loans dischargeable through bankruptcy again.
  • Eliminating the bankruptcy “Means Test” that has driven up the cost of filing bankruptcy by imposing tremendous paperwork burdens.
  • Eliminating the requirement of completing a Credit Counseling course prior to file bankruptcy.
  • Reducing the amount a person has to pay to file a case by allowing debtors to pay attorneys after the case is filed.
  • Increasing protection to homes by creating a larger and standardized Homestead Exemption law.
  • Allowing debtors to “cramdown” auto loans to the value of the vehicle.
  • Streamlining the bankruptcy process to make it easier and less expensive to file.

But if Republicans continue to control the Senate by winning one or both runoff elections in Georgia–something that is more likely than not–then it is doubtful any radical changes will be made to the bankruptcy laws.
The election results makes a big difference when advising new clients, especially clients with large student loan debts. “Are you sure you want to file a case now under the current law when student loan debts may become dischargeable if the Democrats take control of the Senate?” That is the question I have been asking clients in recent months, urging them to see if they could delay the process until we knew the results of the election. Well, now we know a lot more, and it doesn’t appear that much if anything is likely to change unless upsets are achieved in the January runoff elections..
Even if the Republicans stay in control of the Senate, it is possible that newly elected President Joseph Biden will spearhead an effort to reform the bankruptcy laws he helped mess up in 2005. Biden has pledged to reverse the bankruptcy amendments he championed in 2005.
Bankruptcy reforms we can all agree on now.
Regardless of who controls Congress in 2021, here are some suggestions that both Democrats and Republicans should agree upon right now:

  • Student Loans.  Student Loans should be dischargeable in bankruptcy after a certain period of time.  Can we all agree that these loans should be dischargeable after 20 years? Gosh, that is a very hard position, but it’s a lot better than the one we have now that they can never be discharged unless an extreme hardship is present.
  • Means Test. Abolish the Means Test. This is a silly requirement that has never achieved its intended purpose other than to make filing bankruptcy more expensive and difficult.
  • Attorney Fees.  Allow attorney fees to be paid after the case is filed. Too many low-income debtors continue to be garnished because they cannot afford all the upfront fees to file bankruptcy.
  • Eliminate Credit Counseling.  The courses debtors must take to file and complete a case are worthless. No real education occurs and the courses do not cause debtors to avoid filing.
  • Communications with Banks. Prohibit banks from canceling online access to borrowers who file bankruptcy and require mortgage lenders to speak to borrowers who call them after filing bankruptcy. Banks often take the unreasonable position that they are not allowed to speak to customers in a bankruptcy case, and I would agree that banks should not hound borrowers in bankruptcy with collection calls, but there is no reason they cannot speak to customers who call them. The refusal to speak to their customers in bankruptcy is shear madness.
  • Standardize Bankruptcy Exemptions.  Standardize bankruptcy exemptions by not allowing states from opting out of the federal exemption scheme.
  • Video/Telephone Court Hearings.  Continue the telephonic and/or video meetings with the Trustees that started during COVID-19.  Ever since COVID-19 hit we have been conducting required meetings with the bankruptcy trustees via telephone conference calls.  Guess what? They work just as well as in person meetings.  Instead of driving hundreds of miles in the Nebraska snow during winter to attend meetings that typically last about two minutes, debtors are able to call in to answer the routine questions asked by trustees over the telephone. I do not notice any decrease in the effectiveness of the trustee’s examinations, and in some cases their effectiveness may be increasing since they have their full computer systems before them.  The US Trustee’s Office should begin work on a video conferencing system similar to Zoom to handle all trustee hearings going forward. The ability to share computer screens and to view debtors over a camera system works great. A system with a Zoom “waiting room” that allows the trustee to interview one debtor at a time without the distraction of a crowd of debtors waiting for their turn at the table would be ideal.
  • Digital Signatures: Make permanent the use of Digital Signatures that began in Nebraska in 2018 and extended all all bankruptcy courts during COVID-19.  The use of Digital Signatures has been a tremendous success that greatly decreases the burdens on debtors and the court without spending a single extra taxpayer dollar.
  • Chapter 13 Debt Limits:   The chapter 13 debt limits were designed to keep complex business cases out of this streamlined repayment program.  However, with student loan and medical debts, the debt limit (currently set at $419,275) frequently prevents debtors with simple cases from filing chapter 13.  This problem could be solved by not counting medical and student loan debts towards the debt limit.

The 2020 elections tell us that radical bankruptcy reform is off the table. But practical reforms are very possible if our leaders focus on what they can all agree upon instead of dwelling on what divides us.
Image courtesy of Flickr and Anthony Quintano

4 years 4 months ago Originally appeared on  The New York TimesWhile some businesses have adapted to virus restrictions, the yellow cab industry is especially suffering. In September, an average of 3,257 yellow cabs and 575 green cabs operated each day, according to city data. In both cases, that was about 70 percent lower than in September 2019.Credit...Karsten Moran for The New York Times
Before the coronavirus arrived in New York, yellow taxis were an enduring symbol of the city’s hustle, crowding the streets of Midtown Manhattan, ferrying passengers to airports and carrying tourists to boutique hotels. But eight months into the pandemic, the industry lies almost entirely crippled.Revenue for the taxi industry is down 81 percent over the same period a year ago, according to the latest city data. That is better than in the worst days of the pandemic in March and April — but not by much.Even as some parts of city life have returned, reliable sources of taxi passengers have not. Offices, especially in Midtown, are closed. Tourism is virtually nonexistent, and the airports are mostly empty.“I can’t hold on, not like this,” said Vinod Malhotra, who owns his cab and has driven for 27 years through terrorist attacks, natural disasters and economic calamities. He made it through the pandemic’s peak in New York, too, but as the crisis slogs on, he is on the brink of bankruptcy. “I can make it maybe one more month, maybe two.”Ride-hailing companies, such as Uber and Lyft, also took a hit when the city largely shut down in the spring. But they have bounced back more quickly. Revenue is now about a third lower than last year, and the chief executive of Uber, Dara Khosrowshahi, said last week on a call with investors that city ridership outside of commuting hours had returned to normal.Bruce Schaller, a former city transportation official, said customers might be using taxis less because they believed they were more of a health risk, even though that was not the case.“I think taxis feel like more of a public space than an Uber car or Lyft car,” he said.Almost all drivers in every sector stopped working altogether during the peak, city data shows, in part because of the possibility of getting sick on the job, a threat that was magnified by the deaths of dozens of drivers. In a recent survey by the New York Taxi Workers Alliance, nearly half of drivers said either they or someone in their home had contracted the virus.While many drivers were out of work, they relied on the federal government’s enhanced unemployment program, which paid $600 a week in addition to state benefits.But those federal benefits ended over the summer, as did some other programs that kept cabdrivers afloat, including initiatives that paid taxi drivers meals to homes and provide rides for essential workers during overnight subway closures.Aloysee Heredia Jarmoszuk, the head of the city Taxi and Limousine Commission, which oversees yellow cabs and ride-hailing companies, said the industry was steadily recovering, albeit slowly. “The pandemic hit for-hire transportation hard, but every month since March has seen increases in trips across all segments,” she said.Still, drivers of both yellow cabs and the green cabs that operate outside of Manhattan have been reluctant to return to work. In September, an average of 3,257 yellow cabs and 575 green cabs operated each day, according to city data. In both cases, that was about 70 percent lower than in September 2019.Several fleet owners said they had called drivers to beg them to return. Some offered discounts letting drivers rent out cabs for half the normal rate, or less. Recently, they said, drivers have begun returning.Drivers who own their own cabs have returned even more slowly.“My job isn’t safe. I don’t know who has had the Covid, and there are no customers anyway,” said Andrew Chen, 53, an immigrant from Burma, now Myanmar, who has owned his own cab since 2006. “So I just stay home.”Now, a knockout punch may be coming for those drivers, who bought the city permits called medallions that allow them to own and operate a cab.As The New York Times has reported, hundreds of drivers were already squeezed before the pandemic after being channeled into large, exploitative loans they could not afford in order to buy their medallion. Lenders suspended collections for months during the worst of the virus, but some have started to demand payments.“People talk about the state of the taxi industry the same way they talk about the election: ‘This is the existential moment.’ But this time, it really is,” said Bhairavi Desai, who has represented drivers since the 1990s as the head of the Taxi Workers Alliance. “It really is.” Bhairavi Desai, the head of the New York Taxi Workers Alliance, was planning to announce a new proposal to help cabdrivers.Credit...Amr Alfiky/The New York TimesIn January, a city task force proposed a $500 million bailout for drivers in loans. In February, the New York State attorney general, Letitia A. James, said her office would sue the city for $810 million and use the money to compensate drivers.That momentum evaporated as the virus exploded across the city.On Thursday, Ms. Desai plans to unveil a proposal that could eliminate hundreds of millions of dollars owed by medallion owners and would cost the city a maximum of $75 million, much less than in previous plans.Under the proposal, lenders would agree to reduce the amount owed by each borrower to $125,000, repaid over 20 years with a 4 percent interest rate. That structure would lower monthly payments to under $800. In return, lenders would receive a guarantee that the city would pay for any medallion loan that fails because of nonpayment, an assurance that experts say could win over lenders.The plan is supported by Scott M. Stringer, the city comptroller and mayoral candidate. He said in a statement it could actually save taxpayer money by protecting the city from the attorney general’s lawsuit.“This breakthrough proposal offers a responsible and necessary approach to relieve crushing debt for drivers and reduce ballooning costs for taxpayers,” he said.City Council Speaker Corey Johnson, who has previously supported a bailout, said the Council would review the proposal but suggested that the city, whose budget has been decimated by the pandemic, may not be able to pay for a rescue package on its own. A spokesman for Mayor Bill de Blasio pointed out that the mayor has said the federal government should fund any bailout.Several lenders who would have to agree to the deal declined to comment. They have denied wrongdoing, blaming the industry’s problems on Uber and Lyft.The largest holder of loans now is Marblegate Asset Management, a private equity firm that bought thousands of them earlier this year. It has not collected payments during the pandemic, a spokesman said, and has voluntarily forgiven $70 million in debt.Mr. Malhotra, the cabdriver, emigrated to New York from India in the early 1990s and bought his medallion in 2011 for $640,000. He now owes Marblegate about $435,000, he said.He still drives 12 hours a day, six days a week, he said, but lately has had to wait longer and longer between customers. He is barely making enough to support his wife and three children, and he cannot make loan payments. He fears getting a call from his lender.He said he might have to file for bankruptcy and surrender his medallion to a large fleet. Others are in the same situation. If nothing happens soon, he said, the city could lose an entire generation of cabby owner-drivers.“We need help, and nobody is helping,” he said. “So day by day, it will go more down. And then it will just be gone.”

4 years 4 months ago

Nebraska voters have chosen to cap payday loan interest rates.  Ballot box Initiative 428 limits the annual percentage rate on payday loans at 36%.
Nebraska Department of Banking report indicates that the average annual percentage rate on payday loans in Nebraska is 405%.
However, according to Thomas Aiello of the National Taxpayer Union, the cap on interest rates would actually hurt low-income Nebraskans by denying them access to credit.

This is an onerous rule that is more likely to decimate credit markets for Nebraskans in desperate need of a small, quick loan.” Thomas Aiello

Indeed, capping payday interest rates at 36% would devastate the industry.  Although loan rates average 405%, the default rate on those loans is also significant and the effective interest rate earned by payday lenders is much lower when those defaults are factored in.
Support for capping the interest rate is receiving support from many sources, including the Catholic Church.

“Payday lending too often exploits the poor and vulnerable by charging exorbitant interest rates and trapping them in endless debt cycles,” said Archbishop Lucas. “It’s time for Nebraska to implement reasonable payday lending interest rates. The Catholic bishops of Nebraska urge Nebraskans to vote ‘for’ Initiative 428.”

The amazing fact of payday lending  is that it is not restricted to low-income neighborhoods. You can find payday lenders in almost every neighborhood, regardless of income level.
Can payday lenders survive with a 36% cap on interest?
My guess is that the business model of payday lenders will have to change. Lending standards will be tightened and the least qualified borrowers will be denied credit. Is that a bad thing as Thomas Aiello suggests? Probably not. Other lending sources still exist, like pawn shops or family loans or selling unnecessary items.
Some commentators have told me that such interest rate caps are ineffective since lenders simply set up shop on the internet and use the National Bank act to argue that interest rates are controlled by the state of incorporation.  In other words, the evade the cap by incorporating in a different state and argue that our Nebraska laws do not apply to lenders that cross state lines.  Time will tell if this approach is followed.
Other attorneys have suggested that lenders will evade the cap by originating more Title Loans secured by vehicle titles.
It will be interesting to watch the payday lending industry going forward. Something tells me that neither the demand for these high-rate loans nor the lenders willing to make them are going away. The rules of the game will change, but somehow lenders will find a way to evade the cap.
Image courtesy of Flickr and HelenCobain

4 years 4 months ago

Have you been on the receiving end of collection calls or collection letters due to delinquent debt payments? It is stressful enough to be dealing with debt. However, constantly hearing from your debt collection agency can also be both tiring and intimidating. If you’re a borrower who is guilty of having past-due bills, you don’t have to endure such harassment. There are ways to help you attain debt-relief and consumer protection against such demanding phone calls. 
Northwest Debt Relief Law Firm has compiled a list of how you should respond when creditors collect a debt. Moreover, if you intend to file for bankruptcy, it is best to be aware of any legal action that will prevent collection agents from harassing or calling you for an old debt.
What To Do When Creditors Demand Payment
Keep calm. Constant reminders of your debt and threats of lawsuit or wage garnishment can make any debtor angry. However, even if you want to scream, become hostile, or use profanity, remember that such actions can lead to a court action declaring you as abusive and ruling in favor of your loan collector.
Collection callsReview the details of the debt. Is the debt legitimate? When a lender contacts you by phone or sends a collection letter, you should first check if the debt is truly under your name. There are many collection scams so you should immediately alert any collector if those debts owed are not yours so that they may voluntarily stop asking you for repayment. 
Report suspicious activities. If you believe that there’s something suspicious about the timing of collection, refrain from giving your personal information such as your income, bank account details, Social Security number, or value of the properties you own. This information may be used by scammers, an identity thief, or by a legitimate collector to receive a court judgment against you. If the debt is validated, you should still check if the statute of limitations has passed. Avoid saying anything that might reaffirm the debt. 
Learn your rights. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act or FDCPA ensures personal and financial protection to consumers by prohibiting debt collectors from harassing borrowers or using abusive tactics. It also creates a limit on when and how your collector can reach you and who they can ask about your debt. If a lender violates any of these, you should seek legal advice.
Be honest about your financial situation. If there was no way for you to repay, tell this to your collectors. Although this does not remove your creditors’ right to collect, it may point them towards other customers or even prevent your case from being escalated to litigation. To prevent being harassed, you should also avoid hiding from collection agents. Hiding your phone number or home address will only make them send more demand letters or even contact your employer or friends just to get to you.
Keep a record of the calls from the collection agencies. This will be useful in your defense in case the lender decides to sue you for unpaid balances. Make sure that you have a written record when bill collectors call you: take note of the date, time, name of the person you spoke to, the message, and even profane language used (if any). A collections log helps in debt management because it can track the frequency of creditor calls and even catch inconsistencies in the collection process.
Request collectors to stop communication. The Debt Collection Act gives you the right to submit a written request for a debt collector to stop calling you. When they receive your request in writing, they are legally obliged to comply, with certain exceptions. But before you send a “cease communication” letter, consider how this may affect you when you negotiate a settlement or if you wish to update your debt status. State law dictates that a collector who receives such a letter is prohibited from doing any collection effort except when filing a complaint or lawsuit against you. A bankruptcy lawyer can help you understand your state law better when you request a free consultation
Avoid small payments showing good faith. It can be tempting to give a small payment just to stop the barrage of calls, avoid the threat of being sued, or risk your credit score. But if there is no settlement agreement, this can make things worse because it extends your status of limitations. Depending on your state, your time limit to pay a debt usually resets on the date you gave your last payment. 
Don’t make empty promises. Refrain from making statements like “I will follow the payment plan beginning next month”, or “I will catch up on my bills by this date” as this will only renew the statute of limitations for your loans.
To avoid legal complications, do a tele consultation with our experienced legal professionals at  Northwest Debt Relief Law Firm. If you need help in dealing with creditor harassment, preparing a written notice to stop harassing phone calls, filing a lawsuit against a collections agency, or uncovering a debt fraud, talking to our bankruptcy attorneys will help you sort things out and regain financial freedom. Call us now!
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The post Tired of Debt Collection Calls? Here’s What You Can Do appeared first on Vancouver Bankruptcy Attorney | Northwest Debt Relief Law Firm.

4 years 4 months ago

We Stop Navy Federal Trying to Pull a Fast One This is a story of Navy Federal trying to take unfair advantage of a disabled vet; and how we were able to stop them. Harry is the disabled vet. He wasn’t able to quite make ends meet when he filed Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in 2015, […]
The post We Stop Navy Federal Trying to Pull a Fast One by Robert Weed appeared first on Northern VA Bankruptcy Lawyer Robert Weed.

4 years 2 months ago

We Stop Navy Federal Trying to Pull a Fast One This is a story of Navy Federal trying to take unfair advantage of a disabled vet; and how we were able to stop them. Harry is the disabled vet. He wasn’t able to quite make ends meet when he filed Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in 2015, […]
The post We Stop Navy Federal Trying to Pull a Fast One by Robert Weed appeared first on Northern VA Bankruptcy Lawyer Robert Weed.

4 years 4 months ago Originally appeared on The New York Times
 It’s an extremely difficult debt to discharge, and only a few hundred people a year even try. Here are the stories of some who succeeded —mostly.
With two mortgages, three children and $83,000 in student loan debt, the financial strain finally became too much for George A. Johnson and Melanie Raney-Johnson.New bills kept piling up: The couple had to buy another car when Mr. Johnson wrecked one in a snowstorm, but their insurance didn’t fully pay off the totaled vehicle. Old debts never seemed to get any smaller, either: A mortgage modification they spent months working on fell through when the bank lost their paperwork.And their student debt, an albatross born of aspiration, grew heavier each month.Bankruptcy was the only way out.“It was not an easy decision,” Ms. Raney-Johnson said of filing for bankruptcy in 2011. “It was a feeling of despair, for sure.” Bankruptcy gives over 700,000 debtors a fresh start every year. Bills for credit cards and medical expenses can be wiped away by a few strokes of a judge’s pen, and debts that don’t vanish are reduced.But student loan debts don’t go away as easily. For decades, politicians have slowly made them harder to discharge, while differing standards in courts across the country mean a debtor’s chances can depend on where he or she lives.The few debtors who attempt it are subjected to a morality play unlike anything else in the world of personal finance: so-called adversary proceedings, where they must lay themselves bare in court as opposing lawyers question how much they pay for lunch or give to their church.The Johnsons tried anyway. They had borrowed about $45,000 for Mr. Johnson’s degree in sociology at the University of St. Mary in Kansas and Ms. Raney-Johnson’s pursuit of a bachelor’s degree from the University of California, Davis. Unable to pay, they had received permission to put off their payments, but their balance nearly doubled as interest charges continued to pile up.Mr. Johnson lost his job after they filed for bankruptcy and, unable to afford a lawyer, Ms. Raney-Johnson prepared their case. She remembers how she felt when they arrived at the Robert J. Dole Federal Courthouse in Kansas City, Kan., on a sunny September day seven years ago.“My heart was beating, and I was sweating,” said Ms. Raney-Johnson, now in her mid-40s and a billing supervisor for a federal agency.In 2015, the year the Johnsons got their ruling, 884,956 personal bankruptcy cases flowed through the courts. Only 674 sought to discharge student debt, according to a recent analysis by Jason Iuliano, assistant law professor at Villanova University.The New York Times reviewed dozens of cases in which a judge issued a published opinion — the Bankruptcy Class of 2015 — to understand the pains and payoffs five years later. Some debtors are on a better course. But for others, the struggles never went away — or came back after they thought they were free.Rising Costs, Rising DebtsBankruptcy begins with debt, and student loans are the second-biggest form of household debt in the United States. More than 43 million borrowers hold over $1.6 trillion in student loans, a sum that has more than tripled in 13 years. It exceeds what Americans owe on credit cards or auto loans and trails only mortgages.Sixty-two percent of students who graduated from nonprofit colleges in 2019 had student loan debt, according to an Institute for College Access & Success analysis. Their average balance was $28,950 — not including borrowing by their parents.Many struggle mightily to pay: Before the government’s coronavirus relief efforts paused federal student loan payments, 7.7 million borrowers were in default and nearly two million others were seriously behind.The solution has been a public-policy patch job.About eight million additional borrowers use income-driven repayment plans, which can be challenging to enter.  And while the plans lower payments, borrowers accrue interest on the unpaid difference. The debt is eventually forgiven — usually after 20 or 25 years — but the forgiven amount is taxable income. A related program forgives the federal student loan debts of public-service workers, tax free, after 10 years, but it has been deeply troubled. Borrowers have made payments for years only to learn they were in the wrong kind of payment plan. It got so bad that Congress had to create a separate pot of money to try to fix it.The election could give momentum to a change: President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. — who supported a 2005 law that made private student loans harder to discharge — has vowed to change the loan rule back if elected. But few Republicans have voiced support for a plan to change bankruptcy rules. A House bill  has one Republican co-sponsor, Representative John Katko of New York, but the Senate's version, led by Senator Richard J. Durbin of Illinois, has only Democratic support.All the student debt poses a problem. Its weight, experts say, has macroeconomic effects, dragging on homeownership and small-business formation. But the fallout goes beyond simple economics.There is also a mental toll.  Noelle DeLaet said she had sent out hundreds of résumés but couldn’t get a better-paying job.Credit...Terry Ratzlaff for The New York Times‘No Way Out’ Noelle DeLaet earned a bachelor of fine arts degree from Nebraska Wesleyan University in 2008 — the teeth of the Great Recession. She tacked on another year for a degree in English to make herself more attractive to employers. Perhaps in publishing, she thought.She left school with $110,000 in debt: roughly $27,000 from the federal government and the rest in private loans co-signed by her mother. The $810 monthly bill, set to climb when the payment plan on one private loan expired, soon overwhelmed her.Ms. DeLaet, now 34, landed in the child welfare field as a foster care review specialist in Lincoln, Neb. — rewarding, but not lucrative. She sent out hundreds of résumés for better-paying jobs and pleaded with her lenders to reduce her payments. Soon, the creditors started in on her mother and put her on the verge of bankruptcy, too. Ms. DeLaet’s breaking point came in May 2012 when she ran up against the $4,000 limit on her credit card while trying to buy a burrito at a Mexican grocery. She felt so helpless at times that she considered suicide.“I looked all over Google for some sort of support group for others going through this,” Ms. DeLaet said. “I felt like there was no way out.” When Ms. DeLaet squared off in court against her student-loan creditors, they quibbled with the $12 she spent each month on recycling. She should have tried harder for a promotion, they argued. Or moved somewhere else for more money.Judge Thomas L. Saladino bristled at that idea. In his opinion, he wrote that she lived in the state’s second-largest city, “as good a place as any to seek a better-paying job.”The judge discharged about $119,000 in private loans, and an additional $23,000 was forgiven by one of her lenders. But her $27,000 in federal loans stuck: She’s paying those back through an income-driven repayment plan costing about $260 a month. Because she works at a nonprofit, her debt should eventually disappear via the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program.For Ms. DeLaet, the process was worth it: She has married her boyfriend, had two children and bought a home. Her mother is an “amazing” grandmother, she said, although they still cannot discuss the past. “It is an untouchable subject,” she said.Rumors and RulesThe transformation in the bankruptcy rules began in 1976, with unfounded rumors.A handful of legislators claimed to have heard about a parade of young doctors and lawyers who were trying to game the system and shed their debts while embarking on lucrative careers. The lawmakers toughened the rules, largely preventing borrowers from seeking a discharge within five years of graduation. The rules only got tougher over the next three decades.Borrowers must show that their student loans are an “undue hardship” — a standard interpreted differently, depending on where you live. Some judicial circuits, including those in Nebraska, where Ms. DeLaet filed, have the judge review a “totality of the circumstances” for the debtor and make a decision.Other jurisdictions employ a less flexible standard, the Brunner test, named for the case that established it. Judges must answer three questions affirmatively to discharge the debt. First, has the debtor made a good-faith effort to repay the loans? Second, is the debtor unable to maintain a minimal standard of living while making the payments? And, finally, is the debtor’s situation likely to persist?But even jurisdictions that use the Brunner test apply it differently. Some require the judge to find that the borrowers have a "certainty of hopelessness" in paying off their debt. Other jurisdictions do not.Here, the Johnsons may have benefited from geographic good fortune.‘Virtual Lifetime Servitude’Lawyers for the Educational Credit Management Corporation — a nonprofit that collects defaulted loans on behalf of the federal government — examined how the Johnsons spent their $2,100 monthly income.Every expense was scrutinized, including Ms. Raney-Johnson’s $35 monthly union dues, her $100 retirement contribution and $215 to repay loans from her retirement plan. None, the nonprofit’s lawyers argued, were necessary to maintain a “minimal standard of living.” In his opinion — written more than a year after hearing arguments — Judge Robert D. Berger disagreed. He wrote that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit, which covers Kansas, had shifted from the most rigid interpretation of the three-part test, which he described as “an unfortunate relic.”Judge Berger wasn’t sure how the Johnsons were subsisting at all based on their income, and he said courts shouldn’t rely on “unfounded optimism” about a debtor’s future.“It is disconsonant with public policy and bankruptcy’s fresh start to leave debtors in virtual lifetime servitude to student loans,” he wrote.The judge discharged their student loans: $83,000 in debt, wiped away.“I was ecstatic,” Ms. Raney-Johnson said of the moment she received the decision letter. “I probably said some curse words.”Their good fortune didn’t last.  Pam Monroe saw education as a way to obtain independence she hadn’t had before.Credit...Joseph Rushmore for The New York TimesLaughs Over Lunches Opposing lawyers — whether they work for the federal government or for private lenders — are tenacious. Their approach can feel like bullying, if not humiliation.When Pamela Monroe went to an Arkansas bankruptcy court in 2015, she was 57 with a student-loan balance of about $56,000. She was working in the fragrance section of a Dillard’s department store, and her lunch habits — like $6.10 at Taco Bell and $12.72 at Olive Garden — were a focus of intense interest. Eating out, Ms. Monroe testified, was her primary form of recreation and a midday necessity: Co-workers would sometimes steal colleagues’ lunches from the break room.“They laughed about that when I told them,” she said. “I felt at that moment like I was a cornered animal and they were poking sticks at me.”Ms. Monroe said she had spent her life making choices that others seemed to dictate — marrying two years out of high school and becoming a mother, as her parents seemed to want. After two divorces, she reached for higher education in a bid for independence.She graduated from the University of Arkansas-Fort Smith with a communications degree and pursued a master’s in speech language pathology. She didn’t finish that program, leaving her with the debt but not the advanced degree. And she couldn’t seem to break out of low-paying work.“I would have loved to pay them back,” Ms. Monroe said. “But I never could, because nobody ever saw any value in me.” Judge Ben Barry found Ms. Monroe’s restaurant spending excessive, but noted that she had changed jobs frequently seeking higher pay. Her income, he wrote in his opinion, about doubled between 2010 and 2015, to over $26,000.But even a reduced budget he outlined would not leave her enough money to make her student loan payments, so he discharged just over half of her student loans.She would most likely have been paying that off until she was in her 80s. But last year, Ms. Monroe, now 63 and dealing with osteoarthritis and other health problems, received a disability discharge for the rest of her debt.Now all she wants to do is live out her days in her $510-a-month apartment in a retirement community. “It has a sprinkler system and an elevator, very safe,” she said.But she hasn’t stopped thinking about the way the system and its actors — like the lawyer on the opposite side in her case — seemed to render judgment on her life choices.“I didn’t do anything wrong,” she said. “I was just living, but I got in trouble for eating.”Back to Haunt ThemIn 2016, the Johnsons learned their loan discharge was being appealed by lawyers for Educational Credit Management Corporation.Paradoxically, they were worse off because their financial situation had improved: Ms. Raney-Johnson earned a promotion, and Mr. Johnson, now in his mid-40s like his wife, found a stable government job. A year after discharging their loans, Judge Berger concluded that the couple could now “easily” maintain a minimal standard of living and reinstated their debt — which had ballooned even more because of interest charges.Preparing to send their own children to college, the Johnsons requested another forbearance. Their balance continues to grow: It’s roughly $104,000 today.Ms. Raney-Johnson took the final class she needed for her biology degree over the summer. But the debt was already piling up for the next generation. Their oldest, a college sophomore, expects to owe about $45,000 when she graduates. Their middle child, a high school senior, is looking at colleges now. Ms. Raney-Johnson said she and her husband — who are putting about $5,000 a year toward their daughter’s tuition — would try to remain in forbearance for now.In August, they received a notice about an income-driven repayment plan, which would start out costing about $550 a month. From there, the cost depends on many factors, including job changes, raises and eligibility for forgiveness programs. If they’re able to get into the public service program, the debt could go away a decade after they start paying. If not, the bills could continue coming for about 20 years — right around the time the Johnsons will be trying to retire.The experience, Ms. Raney-Johnson said, has been “disheartening.” She and her husband had run up against opposition that could keep going with little regard for time or expense, knowing that they couldn’t.“It feels like getting screwed over by someone with a lot more power and money,” she said.

4 years 4 months ago

Filing bankruptcy is the debt relief option for debtors who are struggling with debt, but bankruptcy filings have their costs. Since you’re already tight on money when you file for bankruptcy, it’s important to have an estimate of how much you’ll need to pay in the two types of bankruptcy, which are Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy filing. Read on to learn about the average costs of filing for Chapter 7 or liquidation bankruptcies and Chapter 13 or wage earner’s plan.

What You’ll Pay For
Chapter 7
Chapter 13

Filing Fees

Administrative Charge

Trustee Charge

Conversion Fees

Mandatory Courses
$20 to $100
$20 to $100

Case Reopening

Attorney Fees

$700 to $780
$655 to $735

$1,950 to $2,030
$3,655 to $3,735

Filing Costs
bankruptcy filing costsThe first cost you’ll encounter when you file your bankruptcy petition is the filing costs. You’ll need to pay the fixed filing fee for which type of bankruptcy you’re filing, plus the administrative and trustee surcharges. On average, filing bankruptcy costs around $400, not including additional charges for converting from a Chapter 13 to Chapter 7, or for reopening prior bankruptcy cases. You may also hire a bankruptcy petition preparer or seek legal-aid from a local bankruptcy lawyer in preparing your bankruptcy forms.
If you’re unable to pay for the filing cost when you submit your bankruptcy petition, you can file an application to pay the filing fee in installments. You’ll need to propose a payment schedule for the entire fee, and it shouldn’t exceed more than four payments, with the final one being made not later than four months after filing the petition.
Generally, Chapter 13 petitioners aren’t qualified to apply for a fee waiver or pay in installments. This is because, in Chapter 13 bankruptcies, reorganization of debts allow debtors to come up with a repayment plan to pay off their secured debt and priority unsecured debt owed. As such, Chapter 13 debtors don’t need to apply for waivers or installments.
Mandatory Courses
Whether you’re filing for bankruptcy Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, you’ll need to complete pre-filing and post-filing courses. You’re required to attend a credit counseling course from an approved credit counseling agency before you file for bankruptcy because you’ll need to file the certificate of completion along with your bankruptcy petition.
After that, you’ll have to complete a debtor education course and file the completion certificate to receive your bankruptcy discharge. These financial management courses will cost you anywhere between $20 and $100 depending on the provider or agency you choose. 
Other Bankruptcy Costs
It’s possible to encounter additional costs in your bankruptcy case throughout the bankruptcy process. For example, the bankruptcy trustee assigned to your case may not agree with some of the assets or property you claimed to be exempt in your petition for bankruptcy. To settle this dispute, you need to prepare a defense, appear in bankruptcy court, and resolve the matter in front of a bankruptcy judge, which ends up costing you in additional legal fees.
It’s unlikely for a case of bankruptcy to go to court for anything other than your bankruptcy hearing, especially if your bankruptcy forms and petition was prepared accurately with legal help from experienced bankruptcy attorneys.
Filing With and Without an Attorney
While bankruptcy law allows debtors to file for bankruptcy pro se or without the help of an attorney, you should file for bankruptcy with the help of bankruptcy lawyers. Those who filed for bankruptcy Chapter 7 have a success rate of 95% when the petitioner goes through the bankruptcy process with legal assistance from a reliable bankruptcy law firm. Likewise, the success rate of Chapter 13 filings are much higher when done with an attorney than when filing pro se. The advice of an attorney in bankruptcy proceedings is invaluable so that you do not miss out on any steps or paperwork which may lead to a dismissal if not accomplished properly.
If you’re considering bankruptcy for debt relief, it’s worth it to hire a competent bankruptcy attorney who will assist you through the bankruptcy process or whatever issues that may arise. At Northwest Debt Relief Law Firm, we’ll provide you with bankruptcy information and help you get back on the road to a financial fresh start. Schedule a free legal consultation with us and learn about our zero down plan for bankruptcy!
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The post Average Bankruptcy Filing Costs for Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 appeared first on Vancouver Bankruptcy Attorney | Northwest Debt Relief Law Firm.

4 years 4 months ago

Debt collectors doubled their earnings – all thanks to COVID-19
greedy debt collectors
10/5/20 According to an article in ProPublica, debt collections have made a fortune this year due to the COVID stimulus monies.  Those who really needed those funds used them to pay past-due debts, rather than saving the money to pay rent, utilities, food, health care and other very important necessities.
This article will help to explain the debt buying world and how our bad luck is their good luck.
“In August, Encore Capital, the largest debt buyer in the country, announced that it had doubled its previous record for earnings in a quarter. It primarily had the CARES Act to thank: The bill delivered hundreds of billions of dollars worth of stimulus checks and bulked-up unemployment benefits to Americans, while easing pressures on them by halting foreclosures, evictions and student loan payments. There was no ban on collections of old credit card bills, Encore’s specialty.”
Encore sued by CFPB for False actions.
Note – in September, 2020 Encore was sued by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau because Encore had “pressur(ed) consumers with false statements and churning out lawsuits using robo-signed court documents,”
greedy debt collectors
As the economy continues to struggle and under or unemployment continues to rise, the borrowers’ situation will become even more desperate.  Which means they will default on more of their credit card debts, which will result in the debt buyers buying more and more debts at dramatically reduced prices.  According to the article “In recent years, Encore has bought around 2 million to 3 million U.S. accounts per year, according to public filings. Last year, on average, the company paid 8.6 cents on the dollar for each account. For a typical debt of $3,142, Encore paid $271.”
They bully the borrowers into paying debts, rather than paying rent or buying food.  The debt collectors lie about the law and mislead the borrowers about their rights.  Such as harassing the borrowers at work, or calling family or neighbors.
greedy debt collectorsThere are long lasting consequences to choices made in haste.
According to the article “Collection suits can have a lasting negative effect on consumers. A recent study by economists from Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business and the University of California, San Diego, focused on debtors who, after being sued, agreed to pay in order to avoid garnishment. The settlements left consumers worse off: They were more likely to fall behind on other debts or end up in foreclosure or bankruptcy, the study found. The main reason was that paying up on one debt had drained those consumers’ cash buffer and that left them vulnerable to falling behind on others.”
The moral to this story – know your rights.
There are federal and state laws that protect the consumer (that is you).  Take the time to learn about those laws and NEVER assume the debt collector is telling you the truth.
greedy debt collectors

.fusion-body .fusion-builder-column-1{width:100% !important;margin-top : 0px;margin-bottom : 0px;}.fusion-builder-column-1 > .fusion-column-wrapper {padding-top : 0px !important;padding-right : 0px !important;margin-right : 1.92%;padding-bottom : 0px !important;padding-left : 0px !important;margin-left : 1.92%;}@media only screen and (max-width:980px) {.fusion-body .fusion-builder-column-1{width:100% !important;}.fusion-builder-column-1 > .fusion-column-wrapper {margin-right : 1.92%;margin-left : 1.92%;}}@media only screen and (max-width:640px) {.fusion-body .fusion-builder-column-1{width:100% !important;}.fusion-builder-column-1 > .fusion-column-wrapper {margin-right : 1.92%;margin-left : 1.92%;}}@media only screen and (max-width:980px) {.fusion-title.fusion-title-1{margin-top:15px!important;margin-bottom:0px!important;}}@media only screen and (max-width:640px) {.fusion-title.fusion-title-1{margin-top:10px!important;margin-bottom:10px!important;}}MUSINGS BY DIANE:greedy debt collectorsWe all want to believe that we would know when someone is lying or trying to steal from us.  Right?  Unfortunately, those of us who trust are viewed as “easy prey” to many who appear, on the face, to be people we can trust.  Now I am not saying that everyone who is nice is really there to rip-off their neighbor.  But there are so many scams now that it is hard to tell the “white hats” from the “black hats”.  For you Millennials – that means the good guys from the bad guys. 
The older generations tend to trust more than the younger ones.  Probably because the younger generations have seen schemes that never existing even 20 years ago.  My point in this rambling is to remind everyone to “trust, but verify”.

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The post Debt Collectors Profit Because of COVID and Want More Money appeared first on Diane L. Drain - Phoenix Arizona Bankruptcy Attorney.

4 years 4 months ago

If just one person in the marriage is filing bankruptcy, we still need a whole family budget. The question comes up all the time.  “Can I file bankruptcy and leave my wife/husband out of it.” The answer to that is, Yes. But to get your case approved, we need to submit a whole family budget. […]
The post If one of you is filing, we still need a whole family budget by Robert Weed appeared first on Northern VA Bankruptcy Lawyer Robert Weed.
