
1 year 11 months ago

 At Shenwick & Associates, we have represented more than 300 tenants in commercial leasing transactions, including office tenants, restaurants & retain stores. Provided below is Part I of our Leasing Checklist.  Any clients having questions about commercial leases should contact Jim Shenwick, Esq.   [email protected]  917 363 3391  Please click the link to schedule a telephone call with Jim Shenwick
Lease Checklist:  1.                  Free rent?   How much? Tenant should receive 12 months rent at first year rate before rent increases in second year.  2.                  Are the premises in a land-marked building? (alterations are more difficult)  3.                  Request a  copy of the most recent tax bill and Tenant should only pay its pro rata share of taxes 4.                  Is the electricity direct meter, sub-meter or rent inclusion? 5.                  Assignment and sub-let provisions should automatically be allowed: (a) Tenant’s sale of its business, (b) merger of its business, (c) Tenant goes public, (d) assignment of  its lease to a related entity or division  6.                  Non-structural alterations should be allowed as a matter of right to Tenant  7.                  Interest on security deposit should go to Tenant without request or notice once per year and security deposit should be returned to Tenant 30 days after lease ends  8.                  Landlord should expressly consent to Tenant's particular use and assist Tenant in getting a liquor license (for a bar or restaurant)  9.                  If the premises have a sprinkler installation, who pays for monitoring, and maintenance?  10.              What is the electricity capacity of the premises wiring? Landlord should make a representation in the lease to the electrical capacity and the capacity should be sufficient for Tenant's business (important for a manufacturing or service business).Check our Blog for Part II of our Leasing ChecklistJim Shenwick, Esq

1 year 11 months ago

 Business Insider has a very helpful article on Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The article can be found at people are not aware that individuals as well as businesses can file for chapter 11 bankruptcy and that chapter 11 bankruptcy can be used to reorganize businesses as well as to sell assets.Jim Shenwick, Esq.   917 363 3391  [email protected]We help individuals & companies with too much debt!Please click the link to schedule a telephone call with Jim Shenwick 

1 year 11 months ago

 The Motley Fool has an article on the repayment of SBA EIDL Loans. The article is titled 
"Took Out a Small Business Loan During the Pandemic? You May Need to Start Paying It Back"
The article can be found at
Any clients with questions about the repayment of SBA or EIDL loans should contact Jim Shenwick, Esq.  [email protected]   917 363 3391
"We held individuals & companies with too much debt!"

1 year 11 months ago

 IMCGRUP has an article on the "Differences Between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. The article can be found at
Jim Shenwick, Esq.  [email protected]  917 363 3391 
"We help people & monies with too much debt". 
Please click the link to schedule a telephone call with me.

1 year 12 months ago

 Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Filings Increase 83% Y/Y in February 2023  based on article in Monitor Daily. See
Jim Shenwick, Esq.  917 363 3391  [email protected]We held individuals & companies with too much debt!
Please click the link to schedule a telephone call with me.

1 year 12 months ago

Are You Ten Years Out of School and Still Struggling with Student Loans? Recent student loan policy changes by the Biden Administration can help people still struggling with student loans. These are new rules making it possible to discharge your student loans in bankruptcy.  In bankruptcy, you can clear your federal student loans if you […]
The post Ten Years Out of School and Still Struggling with Student Loans? by Robert Weed appeared first on Northern VA Bankruptcy Lawyer Robert Weed.

1 year 12 months ago

Are You Ten Years Out of School and Still Struggling with Student Loans? Recent student loan policy changes by the Biden Administration can help people still struggling with student loans. These are new rules making it possible to discharge your student loans in bankruptcy.  In bankruptcy, you can clear your federal student loans if you […]
The post Ten Years Out of School and Still Struggling with Student Loans? by Robert Weed appeared first on Northern VA Bankruptcy Lawyer Robert Weed.

1 year 12 months ago

Posting from the IRS
IRS Tax Tip 2023-27, March 2, 2023
taxesSome people choose not to file a tax return because they aren’t legally required to file, but they could be missing out on refundable tax credits or an income tax refund. This could apply to someone if they:

  • Have had federal income tax withheld from their pay.
  • Made estimated tax payments.
  • Qualify to claim refundable tax credits.

Here are a few of the valuable tax credits eligible people can claim on a tax return

  • Earned Income Tax Credit – The EITC helps workers who earned $59,187 or less when they file their tax return. Taxpayers can use the EITC Assistant on to check their eligibility.
  • Child Tax Credit  Taxpayers can claim the Child Tax Credit if they have a qualifying child under the age of 18 and meet other qualifications.
  • Credit for Other Dependents – Taxpayers who do not qualify for the child tax credit may qualify for the Credit for Other Dependents. This includes people who have:

    • Dependent children who are age 18 or older at the end of 2022.
    • Parents or other qualifying individuals they support.
  • Education credits  Education expenses can add up fast, but there are two higher education credits to help. The American Opportunity Tax Credit is for qualified education expenses for the first four years of higher education. The Lifetime Learning Credit is for qualified tuition and related expenses paid for eligible students enrolled in an eligible educational institution.

The Interactive Tax Assistant can help people when they’re deciding whether to file
The Interactive Tax Assistant is a tool that provides answers to many common tax law questions based on an individual’s specific circumstances. It can help someone decide whether they should file a tax return and if they’re eligible for many common tax credits.
The tool keeps the taxpayer anonymous. The taxpayer’s information isn’t stored and is used by the assistant only to answer the taxpayer’s questions. The assistant will not share, store or use information in any other way, nor can it identify the individual using it. The system discards the information the user provides when they exit a topic.
Taxpayers can e-file to get their refunds faster
The fastest way people can get a refund is to e-file and select direct deposit. The IRS issues more than 9 out of 10 refunds for e-filed returns in fewer than 21 days.

MUSINGS BY DIANE:money in a jar
This is not a scam. 
The IRS Interactive Tax Assistance can help you decide whether or not to file a return.  Why not take advantage of this tool in order to see if there are available funds. 
Diane L. Drain
Knowledge is Power -light shining on a book

The post File Tax Returns – Even if Not Required to do so appeared first on Law Office of D.L. Drain, P.A., Arizona Bankruptcy Lawyer.

2 years 1 day ago

Why I’m a Member of the National Association of Consumer Advocates I’m a bankruptcy lawyer.  When I first started I said “All I do is Bankruptcy.”  What I found out is that people in financial trouble are magnates for illegal stuff being done to them.  A lot of that is fair credit reporting violations and […]
The post I Just Renewed My Membership in Consumer Advocates by Robert Weed appeared first on Northern VA Bankruptcy Lawyer Robert Weed.

2 years 1 day ago

Why I’m a Member of the National Association of Consumer Advocates I’m a bankruptcy lawyer.  When I first started I said “All I do is Bankruptcy.”  What I found out is that people in financial trouble are magnates for illegal stuff being done to them.  A lot of that is fair credit reporting violations and […]
The post I Just Renewed My Membership in Consumer Advocates by Robert Weed appeared first on Northern VA Bankruptcy Lawyer Robert Weed.
