
11 years 10 months ago

A consumer being harassed by ‘Debt Collectors' has significant rights under federal law: including the right to demand that a Creditor stop communicating with you.   Under the "Debt Collection Practices Act", a federal statute, there are two (2) ways to stop those harassing phone calls or for that matter any form of communication to you. 
1- To inform the Creditor that you are being represented by an attorney and providing the Creditor with the name, address and telephone number of the attorney you have hired. The applicable provision can be found in Section 1692c(a)(2) of the Statute.

  • 2- Write a letter to the Creditor informing the Creditor that you are not going to pay the debt and that you wish all forms of communication to stop. The applicable provision can be found in Section 1692c(c).

11 years 10 months ago

 Life is uncertain that's for sure.  You watch the news and we're told these are scary times and that our ‘banking institutions' have made mistakes and need help - billions of dollars of help.  Where is the money coming from - looks like it may come from you and me.
So, perhaps it's time to reconsider the stigma of filing for bankruptcy.  Let's face it - if you are not able to keep up with your expenses - why not take advantage of the laws that allow for ‘debt forgiveness'.   Bankruptcy does not give you permission to be irresponsible - bankruptcy gives you the ability to manage your finances (Chapter 13) or wipe out your unsecured debts (Chapter 7).   
No one likes to admit they made mistakes or even acted a bit irresponsible.  But no one likes arguing with their spouse over money and the tension that fear and unmanageable debt adds to a marriage can feel like the last straw.  Our debts don't define us.  Our ‘toys' and our ‘careers' don't define us.  When you look in the mirror and review your personal character inventory - how do you rate?  Are you someone that is caring, loving, generous of spirit, honest, forthright, etc.? I believe that's what defines us.The bottom line is - if you've made mistakes with finances - forgive yourself; if you have medical bills, lost your job, your divorce set you back, your mortgage payments are currently unaffordable - help yourself and your family by seeking ‘debt forgiveness'.  At least that's honest.  Now, can we say that about many of our financial institutions that have either failed or on the verge of failure?  Just something to thing about............
