The May 2019 TLC medallion sales data has posted and there were approximately 37 transfers, 27 transfers were the result of foreclosures. Of the non-foreclosure transfers the prices ranged from a low of $100,00 to a high of $230,000, with an average price of approximately $168,000. A couple of points to consider: 1. 73% of the transfers were a result of foreclosures, which indicate that many medallion owners are abandoning their “under water” medallions to their banks, 2. Sales volume remains low and 3. Medallion prices continue to fall and remain low. Any medallion owners needing legal advice regarding their “under water” should contact Jim Shenwick at 212 541 6224 or [email protected]
Asset Sales Medallion Classification Prices Notes Number of Medallions Wheelchair Accessible N/A
Alternative Fuel $175,000.00
1 Unrestricted $400,000.00 Foreclosure 2
$400,000.00 Foreclosure 2
$250,000.00 Foreclosure 2
$235,000.00 Foreclosure 1
$225,000.00 Foreclosure 1
$225,000.00 Foreclosure 1
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$225,000.00 Foreclosure 1
$225,000.00 Foreclosure 1
$200,000.00 Foreclosure 1
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$200,000.00 Foreclosure 1
The May 2019 TLC medallion sales data has posted and there were approximately 37 transfers, 27 transfers were the result of foreclosures. Of the non-foreclosure transfers the prices ranged from a low of $100,00 to a high of $230,000, with an average price of approximately $168,000. A couple of points to consider: 1. 73% of the transfers were a result of foreclosures, which indicate that many medallion owners are abandoning their “under water” medallions to their banks, 2. Sales volume remains low and 3. Medallion prices continue to fall and remain low. Any medallion owners needing legal advice regarding their “under water” should contact Jim Shenwick at 212 541 6224 or [email protected]
Asset Sales Medallion Classification Prices Notes Number of Medallions Wheelchair Accessible N/A
Alternative Fuel $175,000.00
1 Unrestricted $400,000.00 Foreclosure 2
$400,000.00 Foreclosure 2
$250,000.00 Foreclosure 2
$235,000.00 Foreclosure 1
$225,000.00 Foreclosure 1
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$170,000.00 Foreclosure 1
$170,000.00 Foreclosure 1
$165,000.00 Foreclosure 1
$0.00 Individual to LLC 1
$0.00 Estate 1
Stock Transfers
Prices Notes Number of Medallions Wheelchair Accessible N/A
Alternative Fuel N/A
Unrestricted N/A
00.00 Foreclosure 1
$200,000.00 Foreclosure 1
$200,000.00 Foreclosure 1
$175,000.00 Foreclosure 1
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$170,000.00 Foreclosure 1
$165,000.00 Foreclosure 1
$0.00 Individual to LLC 1
$0.00 Estate 1
Stock Transfers
Prices Notes Number of Medallions Wheelchair Accessible N/A
Alternative Fuel N/A
Unrestricted N/A
There are several chapters in the bankruptcy code. Chapters 7, 11, 12, and 13 are the most common. There’s also a Chapter 15, but this bankruptcy chapter mainly involves insolvency cases in foreign countries. Chapter 12 is particularly for family farmers and family fishermen to file for bankruptcy protection. Chapter 11, on the other hand, is usually for businesses that want to get out of debt by filing corporate bankruptcy but may also be used by consumers in certain situations.
When it comes to consumer bankruptcy, however, in Portland, Oregon, Chapters 7 and 13 are the types of bankruptcy that most people turn to for debt relief.
Chapter 7
Also referred to as “liquidation bankruptcy” or “straight bankruptcy,” Chapter 7 bankruptcy filings involve a legal process that may help you wipe out your debts. Individuals, families, or businesses going through financial distress are eligible to file bankruptcy under Chapter 7. If you’re struggling with credit card debt, medical bills, or remaining balances on repossessed cars, they may be included in a bankruptcy discharge in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy process.
Chapter 7 bankruptcy proceedings typically take around 90 days to complete. Take note, however, that not all debts are dischargeable. Certain debts that are not included in a debt discharge are child support, student loan, restitution fees, court fines, and traffic tickets. There are taxes that are not dischargeable, but in some Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases, back taxes may be discharged.
Chapter 13
If you file for bankruptcy under Chapter 13, you will be allowed debt reorganization in a duration of three to five years. The bankruptcy court will order a reorganization plan as per the bankruptcy petition. The bankruptcy judge will assign a trustee.
What happens during the period of bankruptcy is that the debtor makes monthly payments to the bankruptcy trustee, who is protecting the debtor with the automatic stay, preventing creditor collection or possible property seizure. In the course of bankruptcy protection, the trustee then distributes the collected funds to the various creditors the debtor owes. This payment plan is often used to lower a car loan amount or interest and to stop garnishment of child support or tax.
Dealing with Your Creditor
If you have debts that you are unable to pay, you may be dealing with creditors or debt collectors reminding you to pay back what you owe. Many banks and credit card companies choose to use collection agencies to hound their debtors.
Despite your failing, keep in mind that bill collectors are required to treat you with fairness, truth, respect, and dignity. There is a federal law, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), that mandates collectors to behave accordingly when dealing with debtors.
Protection from Collector Harassment
There are measures that collectors aren’t allowed to take in order to pressure you into making debt payments. Here are some acts that would qualify as harassment:
- Persisting with calling you at work despite having been previously informed that it’s an inconvenient time or that your boss doesn’t allow it.
- Communicating with your family, neighbors, employer, or colleagues about your debts.
- Threatening wage garnishment or legal action unless the collector is a law attorney licensed to practice in Oregon.
- Getting you fired from your employment.
- Embarrassing or humiliating you in any way.
As a consumer, you are protected from debt collection harassment according to state and federal laws. If you have received such treatment from a creditor or collector, consult a lawyer right away. Violation of the FDCPA and other statutes of consumer protection is a serious matter. This is why it’s important to document and record every communication you receive from a debt collector. Many who cannot pay off their debts on time tend to throw out messages from collectors as a reflex of denial. This is an unwise move in more ways than one.
Take note that creditors also have rights that must be protected. If you plan to pay your debt, you can find a suitable solution. Seek out an expert on bankruptcy law to get bankruptcy information and advice on the best path to take.
Bankruptcy Attorneys in Portland Oregon
Bankruptcies do not have to be the death sentence that the accompanying stigma suggests. For many, filing personal bankruptcy in Portland has, given them the fresh start that they wished for, the debt management opportunity that they wanted, or the lesson in financial management that they needed. A session with a Portland bankruptcy attorney can be very eye-opening. Life can actually be better after bankruptcy.
If you ever find yourself in a situation where your financial problems are serious enough to bankrupt you, consult a bankruptcy attorney right away. If you’re facing foreclosure or repossession, bankruptcy lawyers can help you deal with your situation with the best solution that the bankruptcy act provides. Call us at Northwest Debt Relief Law firm to talk to an excellent and experienced Portland bankruptcy lawyer.
The post Consumer Bankruptcy in Portland Oregon appeared first on Vancouver Bankruptcy Attorney | Northwest Debt Relief Law Firm.
Deceptive Marketing – Lexington Law, John C. Heath and
Lexington Law and
5/2/19 – The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Bureau) filed a complaint for deceptive and abusive telemarketing acts or practices against PGX Holdings Inc. and subsidiaries Progrexion Marketing Inc., Progrexion Teleservices Inc., eFolks LLC, and Inc.; and against John C. Heath, Attorney at Law PLLC, which does business as Lexington Law.
Deceptive marketing for credit repair services
The lawsuit, filed in U.S. district court in Utah, alleges the defendants violated the Telemarketing Sales Rule (TSR) by requesting and receiving payment of prohibited upfront fees for their credit repair services. Under the rule, companies can only charge fees for telemarketed credit repair services after providing consumers with documentation reflecting that the promised results have been achieved. That documentation cannot be provided to consumers until more than six months after the results were achieved. The Bureau also alleges that Progrexion and its subsidiaries violated the TSR and the Consumer Financial Protection Act by making deceptive representations in its marketing, or by substantially assisting others in doing so.
Lexington Law and – falsely advertised that it “guarantee[d] ANYONE a 0-3.5% Down Home Loan no matter how bad their Credit is when we start”
To generate credit repair sales, Lexington and other defendants rely on a network of marketing affiliates who advertise a variety of products and services, often related to consumer credit products. As alleged below, Progrexion’s marketing affiliates have used deceptive, bait advertising to generate referrals to Lexington Law’s credit repair service. For example, one of Progrexion’s most productive marketing affiliates falsely advertised that it “guarantee[d] ANYONE a 0-3.5% Down Home Loan no matter how bad their Credit is when we start!” In reality, the affiliate did not provide any loans at all. Interested consumers were told that, to participate in the (non-existent) loan program, they had to sign up with Lexington Law. The Progrexion Defendants paid this marketing affiliate for each credit repair sale that resulted from its efforts, despite knowing that it engaged in deceptive practices.
Heath and Progrexion are headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah and do business throughout the United States.
A copy of the complaint filed in federal district court in the District of Utah is available at:
Desperate people will use their last dollar to hire quacks who are in the business to pad their own pockets. Why? Because they are searching for any way to give their families a better life. At what point do these scum decide to treat others they way they want to be treated? Probably never. But, they are first to whine when they are prosecuted for their illegal acts. It does not matter if that scum is the largest and oldest bank in the United States, or a bully on the play ground. None of them care about the harm they are causing others. Please remember – if it sounds too good to be true – IT IS!!!!
How Can I Help You?
The post Deceptive Marketing – Lexington Law appeared first on Diane L. Drain - Phoenix Bankruptcy & Foreclosure Attorney.
NEW YORK, NY 10168
PHONE: (212) 541-6224
FAX: (646) 218-4600
E-MAIL: [email protected]
The goal of this presentation is to discuss issues and the law regarding filing for personal
bankruptcy in NYS in 2019.
1. The process begins with the client preparing three pieces of information:
1. A list of assets or property that they own,
2. A list of liabilities or who they owe money to and
3. An after-tax monthly budget.
-With this information and a 45 minute to one-hour consultation with the client, a determination can be made if the client should file for bankruptcy or not, what remedies are available to the client outside of bankruptcy under NYS law and what type of bankruptcy would most help the client.
-What is the goal of personal bankruptcy? To allow the client to keep as much property as possible and to discharge (legally wipe out) as much debt as possible or obtain “the fresh start” for the client.
2. Types of Personal Bankruptcy. There are three (3) types of personal bankruptcy:
chapter 11, chapter 13 and chapter 7
-Chapter 11 is most commonly used to reorganize businesses but is sometimes used by high net worth individuals who have too much debt to qualify for chapter 13. It is a very expensive process.
-Chapter 7 is known as a liquidation and “fresh start.” If you only have credit card debt and exempt assets, you would file a chapter 7 bankruptcy. You can only file for chapter 7 bankruptcy once every eight years.
--Approximately 90 to 95% of our clients file chapter 7 bankruptcy.
-Chapter 13 is known as a “wage earner reorganization”–it is a blend of chapter 7 and chapter 11. If you had a house or a car that you wanted to keep, then you would file a chapter 13 bankruptcy. If your debts were discharged in a prior Chapter 13 case, you cannot receive a discharge in a subsequent Chapter 13 unless it is filed at least two years after the date the first case was filed.
3. Median Income and Means Test. Effective May 1, 2019, if a single person in New York State has income in excess of $55,333, then they fail the Median Income Test and they must take the “Means Test” to determine whether they qualify to file for chapter 7 bankruptcy (liquidation of debts). For a family of two, the income threshold for the Median Income Test is $71,343, for a family of three it is $83,887 and for a family of four it is $102,384. Add $9,000 for each individual in excess of four.
-To perform the Median Income Test, you need to determine your gross monthly income for the last six months, subtract Social Security and Victims of Terror payments, divide this figure by six and multiply the result by 12. This figure is your annualized current monthly income (CMI). Compare your annualized CMI to the applicable Median Family Income as provided above. If you fail the Median Income Test provided above, then you must take the “Means Test.”
-The “Means Test” is an extremely complex test consisting of six pages of calculations! In its simplest form, you take your gross monthly income and subtract certain expenses based on the IRS National Standards, Local Standards and other actual expenses to calculate your monthly disposable income.
-This is one of the most complex calculations under the law; it is very difficult to do without a computer program and it is a six to eight-page calculation!
-If the majority of a Debtor’s debts are “business debts,” then they do not need to take the Means test, even if their income exceeds the Median Income for their state and family size.
4. Chapter 13. There are several requirements to file a chapter 13 bankruptcy-(a) $419,275 or less of unsecured debt; and (ii) $1,257,850 or less of secured debt; (iii) you most devote all of your disposable income (income after taxes and other living expenses) to the plan; (iv) the plan may range from three (3) to five (5) years; (v) your creditors must get $1 more that they would get in a chapter 7 filing (liquidation analysis and best interest of creditors test); and (vi) as a general rule, if you have a lot of equity in your property and not a lot of disposable income. then it is not possible to confirm a chapter 13 plan.
-The Debtor’s attorney must do a liquidation analysis and determine how much the Debtor must pay each month to fund the plan
-The Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Trustee receives a 10% commission on each plan payment.
5. Exemptions-Debtor may choose NYS or Federal Exemptions. Exemptions are calculated at the time a Debtor files a Bankruptcy Petition with the Bankruptcy Court.
-NYS law determines what property is exempt from creditors and what property is not exempt. Non–exempt property can be reached by your creditors and exempt property can be kept after the discharge.
-Common exemptions include up to $1,150 for jewelry, a watch and art;
-$1,150 in personal property, bank account or cash (if no homestead exemption is taken); $3,400 for tools of trade, necessary working tools and implements necessary for profession or calling; and
-$170,825 of equity for a homestead (or $341,650 in equity for joint debtors).
However, debtors can also choose to use a federal exemption scheme instead of the NYS exemption scheme. We sometimes advise debtors to use the federal exemption scheme when they do not own real estate and have other assets that they need to protect, since the federal “wildcard” exemption can exempt up to $1,325 plus up to $12,575 of any unused federal homestead exemption, for a total of $13,900.
6. Automatic Stay. When a bankruptcy petition is filed, the automatic stay pursuant to § 362 of the Bankruptcy Code comes into effect-and no creditors can sue you, garnish your wages or restrain your checking or savings account.
7. Bankruptcy Trustee. When a bankruptcy petition is filed, a trustee is appointed to administer the estate, and his or her job is to liquidate the non–exempt assets; most chapter 7 cases are no asset cases. There are chapter 7 and chapter 13 Trustees. In a chapter 13 case, the trustee will review the plan and related documents and make a recommendation as to whether the plan should be confirmed. If the plan is confirmed, he or she collects the debtor’s payments into the plan and distributes them to creditors.
8. Benefits of Bankruptcy. (A) Discharge-the goal of a chapter 7 filing is to get a discharge, which means that all the dischargeable debts listed in the bankruptcy petition are wiped out-it is important to list all creditors on the petition with the correct addresses; and (B) It may improve a person’s creditworthiness. Certain debts such as recent taxes, student loans, fraud and drunk driving awards are non-dischargeable. See section 727 and 523 of the Bankruptcy Code.
9. Property of the Estate-(1) tax refunds, (2) causes of action where Debtor is the plaintiff (such as a personal injury lawsuit); and (3) inheritances within 180 days of the filing are subject to the reach of your creditors.
-Under the NYS exemption scheme, a personal injury payment up to $8,550 for bodily injury, not including pain and suffering or compensation for actual pecuniary loss, is exempt from the Debtor’s bankruptcy estate.
10. Taxes-as a general rule “old” “income taxes” can be discharged. Trust fund taxes such as sales taxes and the employee’s portion of employment taxes (FICA/FUTA) are non-dischargeable.
The following conditions all need to be met for taxes to be dischargeable in bankruptcy:
(a) The tax year in question is more than three years prior to filing the bankruptcy (counted from last date the return is due for that year, including extensions);
(b) The tax in question has been assessed more than 240 days prior to the filing the bankruptcy;
(c) The tax return for the year in question was filed at least more than two years prior to the bankruptcy filing (substitute returns don’t count);
(d) The tax return was non-fraudulent and there is no showing of willful evasion of payment of a lawful tax; and
(e) The claim is unsecured: if secured, the tax is discharged as to the debtor personally (in personam liability) but the lien is still valid as to any property it has attached to (in rem liability).
-To discharge taxes client will need to obtain a tax transcript from IRS, which lists the nature of taxes owed and year for which taxes are due
11. Student Loans-In the 2nd Circuit and many other circuit courts of appeal, courts follow the Brunner “undue hardship” test (based on Brunner v. New York State Higher Education Services Corp., 831 F.2d 395 (2nd Cir. 1987)), which requires a three part finding for a student loan to be dischargeable in bankruptcy: (1) that the debtor cannot maintain, based on current income and expenses, a “minimal” standard of living for herself and her dependents if forced to repay the loans; (2) that additional circumstances exist indicating that this state of affairs is likely to persist for a significant portion of the repayment period of the student loans; and (3) that the debtor has made good faith efforts to repay the loans.
-Recently many judges, law professors and bankruptcy practitioners have started advocating for a more liberal test to discharge student loans other than the Brunner test.
12. Exception to discharge under § 523(a)(2)(C)–purchase of more than $725 in luxury goods or services in 90 days prior to filing or cash advances aggregating more than $1,000 in the 70 days prior to filing.
13. Other exceptions to discharge under § 523-intentional torts, fraud, defalcation and alimony, maintenance and support for a spouse or child in connection with a separation agreement or divorce decree.
14. Negatives of a chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filing-chapter 7 can only be filed once every eight years and a filing will stay on a credit report for 10 years.
15. Reaffirmation Agreement-if you want to retain an asset and money is owed to a creditor with respect to that property, you can file a form with the Bankruptcy Court and reaffirm the debt-which means that you agree to repay the debt as if you had not filed for bankruptcy. The Bankruptcy Judge will review the Reaffirmation Agreement to determine if the Debtor needs to retain or keep that asset (is there a business reason for the reaffirmation?). Example reaffirming a car lease or a car loan for a car that the Debtor needs for business reasons.
-You can keep a credit card with a zero balance.
16. Credit Rehabilitation-Earn as much as you can, save as much as you can, get a securitized credit card, charge on it, pay it down and then get the credit limit increased.
17. Adversary Proceeding-an action in your bankruptcy case by your creditors objecting to your discharge with respect to a debt-potential grounds include fraud, false financial statements or constructive fraud-when was last time the debtor took a cash advance or purchased luxury goods or services?
18. Fraudulent Conveyances and Preferences.
-A fraudulent conveyance is where you transfer property to a third party without fair consideration, and the statute of limitations under NYS law is six years.
-A preference is where one creditor is preferred over another similar creditor, and the key time periods are 90 days (for general creditors) and one year (for creditors that are “insiders” of the debtor-individuals or entities with close relationships to the debtor).
19. Fees and Getting Started-The filing fee for a chapter 7 bankruptcy is $335 and the filing fee for a chapter 13 bankruptcy is $310.
20. The Process:
-When a potential client contacts us, we schedule an hour-long meeting and ask for the following documents to be brought to the meeting: (1) a list of assets; (2) a list of liabilities; and (3) an after–tax monthly budget.
-At the meeting, we review the documents and discuss their finances, debtor and creditor law and pre–bankruptcy planning. Our goal in a chapter 7 filing is to discharge as much debt as possible (giving the client a “fresh start”) and exempting as many assets as possible from the bankruptcy estate that’s created when their petition is filed.
-When the client retains us, we send him or her a link to enter the financial data we need to prepare the bankruptcy petition and information about the mandatory credit counseling course.
-We draft the petition, review and review it with the client, and finally electronically file the petition and pay the filing fee.
-Shortly after the petition is filed, we receive notice of the § 341 meeting of creditors
-We attend the meeting with the client (who must bring an original Social Security card and a current photo ID) to the 341 meeting.
-Before the meeting, we prepare the client on how to dress and questions that he or she can expect from the chapter 7 bankruptcy trustee.
-Creditors may also attend the meeting and have 60 days from the date of the meeting to object to a discharge of their claim in bankruptcy or the debtor’s discharge. Our goal is to have the chapter 7 trustee close the case at the end of the meeting, which happens in about 90% of our cases. Within 60 days after the meeting, the debtor needs to take a post–bankruptcy debtor education course.
The process usually takes about two to six months from start to finish.
Other Bankruptcy Filing Requirements:
1. Have you filed for bankruptcy in the past? As stated above, a chapter 7 debtor can only file another chapter 7 case eight years after a prior chapter 7 case was filed and if your debts were discharged in a prior Chapter 13 case, you cannot receive a discharge in a subsequent Chapter 13 unless it is filed at least two years after the date the first case was filed. However, the issue of multiple filings is complex depending on chapters filed and sequencing, so each situation needs to be reviewed individually.
2. Have you resided in the district for the last 730 days?
Documents Needed:
i. Valid NYS Driver’s License or Photo ID with current address
ii. Original Social Security Card
iii. Tax Return (last year federal, but bankruptcy trustee may request additional returns)
iv. Real Estate-if you own real estate, you need a recent appraisal for the real estate and mortgage statement showing the mortgage balance.
v. Last 60 days of pay stubs or payment advices
Assets of Grand Teton Professionals frozen by federal court for fake credit repair schemeAlleges scammers charged upfront fees and falsely promised to improve credit scores
June 21, 2019 – At the Federal Trade Commission’s request, a federal court has temporarily halted and frozen the assets of Grand Teton Professionals, an alleged credit repair scheme that charged illegal upfront fees and falsely claimed to repair consumers’ credit. The company and other defendants are charged with violating the FTC Act and several provisions of the Credit Repair Organizations Act, the Telemarketing Sales Rule, the Consumer Review Fairness Act, the Truth in Lending Act, and the Electronic Funds Transfer Act.
According to the FTC’s complaint, since at least 2014, two of the defendants, Douglas Filter and Marcio G. Andrade, have operated an unlawful credit repair scam that bilked consumers out of at least $6.2 million.
FTC Finds that Douglas Filter and Marcio G. Andrade Lied to Consumers Who Wanted to Clean Up Their Credit
“A good credit score can help you buy a home, get a business loan, or finance an education,” said Andrew Smith, Director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection. “These companies preyed on consumers who wanted to clean up their credit by making false promises and taking illegal upfront fees.”
The FTC charges that the defendants, using such trade names as Deletion Experts, Inquiry Busters, and Top Tradelines, used deceptive websites, unsolicited emails, and text messages to target consumers with false promises of substantially improving consumers’ credit scores by claiming to remove all negative items and hard inquiries from consumers’ credit reports. The defendants also falsely claimed to substantially improve consumers’ credit scores by promising to add consumers as “authorized users” to other individuals’ credit accounts, a practice known as adding “tradelines” or “piggybacking” credit. In most instances, however, the defendants were not able to substantially improve consumers’ credit scores.
Illegal Upfront Fees
Fake Credit Repair: The complaint also alleges that the defendants charged illegal upfront fees and failed to provide consumers with required disclosures about their credit repair services. The defendants also advised consumers to mislead credit bureaus by filing false identity theft affidavits and to mislead lenders by claiming to be authorized users on other individuals’ credit accounts, according to the FTC.
Everyday I see or hear about wonderful, naive people who believe the lies of scheming scum, who take their last dollar with the the promise of making their lives better. It would not irk me so much if these were wealthy people being ripped off. Instead, these low lives are taking money that is needed to buy food or find a better place to live. If you are one of these scum – my prayer is that you are forced to endure the pain and suffering you put these trusting people through. Get a real job and earn your own money!!
How Can I Help You?
The post Fake Credit Repair Scheme – FTC Cracking Down appeared first on Diane L. Drain - Phoenix Bankruptcy & Foreclosure Attorney.