Protect yourself financially from the impact of the coronavirusBy CFPB – MAR 16, 2020 (the following is a reprint from Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s website)
Federal, state, and local governments are working to respond to the growing public health threat of coronavirus, or COVID-19. As communities across the country are dealing with an increase in the number of reported cases, many areas may be impacted by the temporary closure of businesses, schools and other public facilities or events, and in some cases, quarantines. While these actions are necessary steps to help reduce exposures, it may bring financial uncertainty for many people who could experience a loss of income due to illness or workplace closures.
For updates about the virus and how to stay safe visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s coronavirus webpage.
As you plan for the potential impact of the coronavirus, there are a number of steps that you can take to help protect yourself or a loved one financially, both in the short and long term.
Keep reading for steps to take in the following situations:
- You have trouble paying your bills or meeting other financial obligations
- You experience a loss of income
- You think you may be targeted by a scammer
Steps to take if you have trouble paying your bills or meeting other financial obligations
If you have trouble paying your bills, or loans, or paying on time, there may be a number of options to help, especially if you reach out early to your lenders or creditors.
Contact your lenders and loan servicers
If you’re not able to pay your bills on time, contact your lenders and servicers to let them know about your situation. Being behind on your payments can have a lasting impact on your credit. The CFPB and other financial regulators have encouraged financial institutions to work with their customers to meet their community needs.
Credit card companies and lenders may be able to offer you a number of options to help you. This could include waiving certain fees like ATM, overpayments, and late fees, as well as allowing you to delay, adjust, or skip some payments.
When contacting your lenders, be prepared to explain:
- Your situation
- How much you can afford to pay
- When you’re likely to be able to restart regular payments
- In the case of mortgages, be prepared to discuss your income, expenses and assets
If you are having trouble paying our auto loan payments your lender may have options that will help. Our tips include changing the date of your payment, requesting a payment plan, and asking for a payment extension.
If you have student loans, you may qualify for a delayed or reduced payment program. Just remember, even though you don’t need to make payments now, interest will continue to accrue, and you will have to make up these amounts eventually. Contact your student loan servicer to find out more about your options. If you have a federal student loan, also ask your servicer about alternative repayment plans.
Work with housing and credit counselors to understand your options
These trained professionals provide advice for little or no cost, and they will work with you to discuss your situation, evaluate options, and even help you negotiate with your lenders and servicers.
- HUD-Approved Housing Counselors. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)-approved housing counselors can discuss options with you if you’re having trouble paying your mortgage loan or reverse mortgage loan. This may also include forbearance or a modified payment program.
- Credit Counselors. Reputable credit counseling organizations are generally non-profit organizations that can advise you on your money and debts, and help you with a budget. Some may also help you negotiate with creditors. There are specific questions to ask to help you find a credit counseling organization to work with.
Warning: If you’re considering working with a debt settlement company to address your debts, be skeptical of any company that promises to do it for an upfront fee.
Contact debt collectors
If you currently have a debt in collections, you can work with collectors to identify a realistic repayment plan. The Bureau offers a number of resources for contacting and negotiating with debt collection companies.
Check your credit reports
If you’re working with lenders on payment assistance programs or forbearance, routinely check your credit reports to make sure the statements are accurate and that any delinquencies have not been improperly reported. Your credit reports and scores play an important role in your future financial opportunities.
What to do if you lose your income
State and local governments vary in the programs and offerings to help those financially impacted by the coronavirus.
You can look to your state’s unemployment policies
to identify current options for benefits. Your state’s public health office
may also have information.
Older adults may be impacted by the coronavirus and quarantine procedures in different ways than the general public. There may be government benefits available to older adults who need financial help. Visit
for more information and to see if you qualify for any state or local assistance.
Be aware of potential scam attempts
Scammers look for opportunities to take advantage of the vulnerable, especially during times of emergencies or natural disasters. Be cautious of emails, texts, or social media posts that may be selling fake products or information about emerging coronavirus cases.
The Federal Trade Commission has tips to protect yourself from possible coronavirus-related scams
. The FTC and the Food and Drug Administration have also cautioned consumers to be on the look-out for sellers of unapproved and misbranded products
, claiming they can treat or prevent coronavirus.
Learn more about how to prevent, recognize, and report fraud and scams.
Protecting Older Adults
Scammers often target older adults because they may have more assets or regular income in the form of retirement benefits or savings and because they’re often more polite and trusting than other age groups. As older adults are at a higher risk
for serious illness they may also be isolating themselves.
Social isolation is already an issue for older adults and can lead to a host of issues, including an increased likelihood of falling for scams due to a need to connect to others. This issue could grow in response to virus prevention tactics like social distancing and quarantines. Phone calls and video chats can help older adults and their families connect during this period where health officials encourage limiting contact.
Older adults, as well as their family members should be aware of common types of scams, as well as how to prevent and report them. Our Money Smart for Older Adults Resource guide can help.
Need more help
If you have a problem with a financial product or service, try reaching out to the company first. Companies can usually answer questions unique to your situation and more specific to the products and services they offer. We can also help you connect with the company if you have a complaint. You can submit online or by calling (855) 411-2372. Companies generally respond within 15 days. The company may contact you directly to confirm information provided in your complaint before it responds. In some cases, the company will let you know their response is in progress and will provide a final response within 60 days.
Arizona man dies from Chloroquine overdoes after listening to Trump coronavirus press conference.
I want to warn everyone that listening to those who benefit by our ignorance are asking for trouble. Avoid anyone who sells a ‘magic potion’ to protect you from the virus, or a way to avoid paying your mortgage and still keep your home.
Of course, there are resources (see the article above for legitimate links to several). Trust only the sources that will not financial benefit if you follow their advice and that are qualified to give that advice. That does not mean every government resource is trustworthy, but use your common sense and trust qualified doctors for your medical advice.
The post How to Protect Yourself Financially During COVID-19 Crisis appeared first on Diane L. Drain - Phoenix Arizona Bankruptcy & Foreclosure Attorney.
The Big Bailout Helps If You have to Skip Chapter 13 Payments The big bailout law, just passed, includes some slack for people in Chapter 13. If you can’t make your Chapter 13 payments, we can ask the bankruptcy judge to add up to 24 months to your payment plan. Before that law was passed, […]
The post Can’t Make Your Chapter 13 payments? by Robert Weed appeared first on Robert Weed - .
The Big Bailout Helps If You have to Skip Chapter 13 Payments The big bailout law, just passed, includes some slack for people in Chapter 13. If you can’t make your Chapter 13 payments, we can ask the bankruptcy judge to add up to 24 months to your payment plan. Before that law was passed, […]
The post Can’t Make Your Chapter 13 payments? by Robert Weed appeared first on Northern VA Bankruptcy Lawyer Robert Weed - .
The Big Bailout Helps If You have to Skip Chapter 13 Payments The big bailout law, just passed, includes some slack for people in Chapter 13. If you can’t make your Chapter 13 payments, we can ask the bankruptcy judge to add up to 24 months to your payment plan. Before that law was passed, […]
The post Can’t Make Your Chapter 13 payments? by Robert Weed appeared first on Northern VA Bankruptcy Lawyer Robert Weed - .
We help victims of the Coronavirus pandemic
Many of our bankruptcy clients are understandably concerned about the outbreak of the Coronavirus and the impact it may have on their ability to complete the bankruptcy filing process. I want you to know that we can easily accommodate your needs.
We have long been set up to complete any stage of the bankruptcy process from consultations through the actual filing via video. You need only have a computer or, failing that a phone with video capability to get your case filed.
Make no mistake, our offices will remain open and we are happy to meet with you in person, but I strongly believe that you lose nothing by completing the filing stage of bankruptcy via video.
Frankly, video is superior to an in-person meeting because screenshare enables us to share the bankruptcy petition preparation process with you as we are preparing your paperwork. These meetings are also easier to book for off-hours like weekends and early mornings when you can actually devote your full attention to the process rather than worrying about getting back to the office, picking up kids or beating traffic.
If you just need a phone consultation during these difficult times and want answers quickly without setting up a video meeting, you can book one easily by calling us directly for an appointment.
The post Covid-19 and Filing Bankruptcy appeared first on Vancouver Bankruptcy Attorney | Northwest Debt Relief Law Firm.
Postponement of Arizona Eviction Actions for 120 Days if Effected by COVID-19
Executive Order, 2020-14 – Postponement of Eviction Actions for 120 days, under certain circumstances.
NOW, THEREFORE I, Douglas A. Ducey, Governor of the State of Arizona, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of this state, hereby order as follows:
A. Unless a court determines on motion of the parties that enforcement is necessary in the interest of justice or is in accordance with A.R.S. 33-1368(A), pursuant to A.R.S. §§ 26-303 et al, 36-787, all Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board certified law enforcement officers and any person subject to the jurisdiction of the Constable Ethics Standards and Training Board, shall temporarily delay enforcement of eviction action orders for residential premises when one of the following circumstances exist and are documented to the landlord or property owner.
- The individual is required to be quarantined based on their diagnosis of COVID-19.
- The individual is ordered by a licensed medical professional to self-quarantine based on their demonstration of symptoms as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- The individual is required to be quarantined based on someone in the home being diagnosed with COVID-19.
- The individual demonstrates that they have a health condition, as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, that makes them more at risk for COVID-19 than the average person.
- The individual suffered a substantial loss of income resulting from COVID-19, including:
- Job loss;
- Reduction in compensation;
- Closure of place of employment;
- Obligation to be absent from work to care for a home-bound school-age child; or
- Other pertinent circumstances.
B. If a tenant, lessee or resident is suffering any of the above circumstances and seeks relief from or delay in eviction, they shall notify the landlord or property owner in writing with any available supporting documentation of their temporary financial hardship or state of quarantine as a result of COVID-19 and acknowledge that contractual terms of the lease remain in effect.
C. A landlord shall not interpret a health and safety provision of a contract to include COVID-19 as a reason for termination of a lease or rental agreement; nor shall a landlord terminate a lease or rental agreement solely based on information provided by the tenant to satisfy a notice requirement under paragraph 2.
D. No provision contained in this Executive Order shall be construed as relieving any individual of the obligation to pay rent or comply with any other obligation that an individual may have under a tenancy.
E. This Executive Order shall remain in effect for 120 days.
Signed March 24, 2020, Douglas A. Ducey, Governor
Please be very careful when interpreting any law or policy. If you read this Executive Order closely you will see there are specifics qualifications that apply in order to postpone an eviction. It is also confusing whether this is an Order to the enforcers of eviction actions (such as the Sheriff’s Office) not execute on the eviction order, or is it instructions to the judges not to enter eviction orders, or is it a limitation on the landlords. Landlords are going to fight this hard because, in their minds and pocketbooks, they are forced to give the tenant a free place to live for four months (that is not the intent of the Order, but it may be the consequence). There will certainly be situations where this Order is appropriate, but there will be hundreds or thousands who take advantage of this Order and the confusion it will most certainly cause.
The post Arizona Evictions Postponed 120 Days for Tenants – COVID-19 appeared first on Diane L. Drain - Phoenix Arizona Bankruptcy & Foreclosure Attorney.
Recently I received an email from a woman who filed bankruptcy several years ago and who recently discovered that her lawyer had not requested or filed a reaffirmation agreement. She has been current on her mortgage before, during and after her bankruptcy but because there was no reaffirmation agreement filed, the mortgage lender is not reporting her on-time payments to the credit bureaus.She would like to rebuild her credit and believes, correctly, that on-time mortgage payments would be a big help to improving her credit score. However, her case has been closed for almost three years and she doesn’t know if she has any options.She saw one of my videos where I suggested that refinancing her mortgage could be an option but she is concerned about “rocking the boat” with her mortgage company and possibly losing her house to foreclosure.She is asking me what she should do.I replied by noting that I practice bankruptcy law in the Northern District of Georgia and that while bankruptcy is a federal law, there are state law components as well as legal precedent that applies in her federal court circuit. Further, I pointed out that every bankruptcy court has local rules and customs and that she should reach out to a bankruptcy lawyer in her jurisdiction for advice specific to her case.I can speak generally to this problem as I have seen it come up here in the Northern District of Georgia and I suspect that my experiences are most likely similar to those of lawyers and debtors elsewhere in the country.First, what has happened here is not that unusual. While the language of the bankruptcy law is designed to make a Chapter 7 debtor decide to either formally reaffirm a secured debt or to surrender the collateral, as a practical matter, many Chapter 7 debtors choose the “stay and pay” option.This is the case because reaffirmation agreements in Chapter 7 have become much more complicated than they were prior to 2005 when Congress overhauled the Bankruptcy Code. Since that time if I have a client who wants to reaffirm a secured debt, I, as the attorney, have to sign the reaffirmation agreement and certify that I have reviewed my client’s budget and that I believe that reaffirmation is in my client’s best interest.Congress added this attorney certification requirement to make attorneys more responsible for the decisions of their clients. In theory, this means that a debtor would have a cause of action against his lawyer for improper advice if it turned out later that the debtor really could not afford to reaffirm.Understand that when you reaffirm a debt you are basically removing bankruptcy protection and restores personal liability for a debt. So in the case of a mortgage, if a debtor reaffirms her mortgage debt or auto loan, and later defaults, the creditor can file a lawsuit against the debtor to pursue a deficiency balance.By contrast, if you do not reaffirm a secured debt like a mortgage or vehicle loan, the lender still has a secured claim against the property but has no right to pursue the debtor individually for a deficiency judgment.The tradeoff, as the woman who emailed me has discovered, is that if you do not reaffirm your personal obligation to pay a debt, all those payments you make post bankruptcy will not appear on your credit report.As a practical matter, I am not aware of any case since 2005 where a lawyer got sued for offering bad advice for recommending or certifying a reaffirmation agreement. Still, that possibility exists and many lawyers see no reason to take any chances.Perhaps my emailer’s attorney had some concerns about her ability to repay and did not pursue a reaffirmation on that account. Of course if this is the case the attorney should have been more up front with his client.As an aside, this potential for being held financially responsible for a client’s decision to reaffirm is part of the reason why the cost of bankruptcy has gone up so much. You can thank Congress for thus unnecessary complication.So, what should someone like my emailer do?One option would be file a motion to reopen her bankruptcy case for the purpose of obtaining and filing a reaffirmation agreement. This is an imperfect solution because (1) the bankruptcy judge may not agree to a reopening; and (2) even if she can reopen her case, the mortgage lender may not want to take the time or make the effort to prepare and process a reaffirmation agreement. I can also tell you that it can be very difficult to try to explain to a mortgage company bankruptcy clerk why they should cooperate with this process can be challenging at best.A second option would be to refinance the loan with another lender to end up with a loan that is both secured by the real estate and by the debtor/borrower’ promissory note. Adding personal liability to the arrangement would result in positive credit references.My emailer had expressed concern about asking her current lender to refinance – might that trigger a foreclosure? My feeling is that a borrower who is current would not be at risk but to be safe, why not reach out to another mortgage lender or to a mortgage broker to find an uninvolved lender to process a refinance?Beyond reopening or refinancing, I am not aware of any other options. In my experience debtors have not had problems selling homes when there was no reaffirmation, and I have also found that many Chapter 7 debtors are able to improve their credit scores without a reaffirmation.In sum, I don’t know that my emailer’s situation will create too many problems for her financially so keeping things as they are would not be the worst thing. Otherwise I would suggest that she look into refinancing her mortgage with a new lender – that may solve her problem without risking anything with the current mortgage company.The post What Can You Do if Your Lawyer Failed to Ask for a Reaffirmation Agreement from Your Mortgage Company? appeared first on theBKBlog.
Recently I received an email from a woman who filed bankruptcy several years ago and who recently discovered that her lawyer had not requested or filed a reaffirmation agreement. She has been current on her mortgage before, during and after her bankruptcy but because there was no reaffirmation agreement filed, the mortgage lender is not reporting her on-time payments to the credit bureaus.She would like to rebuild her credit and believes, correctly, that on-time mortgage payments would be a big help to improving her credit score. However, her case has been closed for almost three years and she doesn’t know if she has any options.She saw one of my videos where I suggested that refinancing her mortgage could be an option but she is concerned about “rocking the boat” with her mortgage company and possibly losing her house to foreclosure.She is asking me what she should do.I replied by noting that I practice bankruptcy law in the Northern District of Georgia and that while bankruptcy is a federal law, there are state law components as well as legal precedent that applies in her federal court circuit. Further, I pointed out that every bankruptcy court has local rules and customs and that she should reach out to a bankruptcy lawyer in her jurisdiction for advice specific to her case.I can speak generally to this problem as I have seen it come up here in the Northern District of Georgia and I suspect that my experiences are most likely similar to those of lawyers and debtors elsewhere in the country.First, what has happened here is not that unusual. While the language of the bankruptcy law is designed to make a Chapter 7 debtor decide to either formally reaffirm a secured debt or to surrender the collateral, as a practical matter, many Chapter 7 debtors choose the “stay and pay” option.This is the case because reaffirmation agreements in Chapter 7 have become much more complicated than they were prior to 2005 when Congress overhauled the Bankruptcy Code. Since that time if I have a client who wants to reaffirm a secured debt, I, as the attorney, have to sign the reaffirmation agreement and certify that I have reviewed my client’s budget and that I believe that reaffirmation is in my client’s best interest.Congress added this attorney certification requirement to make attorneys more responsible for the decisions of their clients. In theory, this means that a debtor would have a cause of action against his lawyer for improper advice if it turned out later that the debtor really could not afford to reaffirm.Understand that when you reaffirm a debt you are basically removing bankruptcy protection and restores personal liability for a debt. So in the case of a mortgage, if a debtor reaffirms her mortgage debt or auto loan, and later defaults, the creditor can file a lawsuit against the debtor to pursue a deficiency balance.By contrast, if you do not reaffirm a secured debt like a mortgage or vehicle loan, the lender still has a secured claim against the property but has no right to pursue the debtor individually for a deficiency judgment.The tradeoff, as the woman who emailed me has discovered, is that if you do not reaffirm your personal obligation to pay a debt, all those payments you make post bankruptcy will not appear on your credit report.As a practical matter, I am not aware of any case since 2005 where a lawyer got sued for offering bad advice for recommending or certifying a reaffirmation agreement. Still, that possibility exists and many lawyers see no reason to take any chances.Perhaps my emailer’s attorney had some concerns about her ability to repay and did not pursue a reaffirmation on that account. Of course if this is the case the attorney should have been more up front with his client.As an aside, this potential for being held financially responsible for a client’s decision to reaffirm is part of the reason why the cost of bankruptcy has gone up so much. You can thank Congress for thus unnecessary complication.So, what should someone like my emailer do?One option would be file a motion to reopen her bankruptcy case for the purpose of obtaining and filing a reaffirmation agreement. This is an imperfect solution because (1) the bankruptcy judge may not agree to a reopening; and (2) even if she can reopen her case, the mortgage lender may not want to take the time or make the effort to prepare and process a reaffirmation agreement. I can also tell you that it can be very difficult to try to explain to a mortgage company bankruptcy clerk why they should cooperate with this process can be challenging at best.A second option would be to refinance the loan with another lender to end up with a loan that is both secured by the real estate and by the debtor/borrower’ promissory note. Adding personal liability to the arrangement would result in positive credit references.My emailer had expressed concern about asking her current lender to refinance – might that trigger a foreclosure? My feeling is that a borrower who is current would not be at risk but to be safe, why not reach out to another mortgage lender or to a mortgage broker to find an uninvolved lender to process a refinance?Beyond reopening or refinancing, I am not aware of any other options. In my experience debtors have not had problems selling homes when there was no reaffirmation, and I have also found that many Chapter 7 debtors are able to improve their credit scores without a reaffirmation.In sum, I don’t know that my emailer’s situation will create too many problems for her financially so keeping things as they are would not be the worst thing. Otherwise I would suggest that she look into refinancing her mortgage with a new lender – that may solve her problem without risking anything with the current mortgage company.The post What Can You Do if Your Lawyer Failed to Ask for a Reaffirmation Agreement from Your Mortgage Company? appeared first on theBKBlog.
Coronavirus Decimates N.Y.C. Taxi Industry: ‘The Worst It’s Ever Been’
There are so few travelers left at Kennedy International Airport, one of the world’s busiest airfields, that taxis wait six hours or more for a single passenger.
Taxi companies can no longer find enough drivers for their fleets because there is so little business.
And some cabdrivers are so fearful of being exposed to the coronavirus they are staying home with no way to pay mounting bills.
All this at a time when many of New York City’s taxi owners are already in financial ruin after taking out reckless loans to buy medallions — city-issued permits required to own a yellow cab — at artificially inflated prices, with the reassurance of the city’s taxi commission of their high value.
Their industry has increasingly lost riders to the boom in Uber, Lyft and ride-app services, and been shaken by a spate of suicides by desperate taxi owners and for-hire drivers.
Now taxi owners and drivers who were barely holding on said their livelihood had evaporated as the city all but shut down to try to slow the spread of the coronavirus.
THE LATESTRead our live coverage of the coronavirus outbreak in the New York area.
“When you have to wait six or seven hours to get one passenger, it’s really bad,” said Mario Darius, 66, a taxi owner who was camped out at Kennedy Airport after picking up just three fares in three days.
Though citywide taxi ridership numbers for March are not yet available, some taxi companies, cab owners and drivers said their rides had plunged by two-thirds or more.
The city’s largest taxi group, the Metropolitan Taxicab Board of Trade, which represents the owners of 5,500 yellow cabs, said rides had dropped nearly 91 percent to a total of 20,596 trips over this past Friday, Saturday and Sunday. That is compared with 217,540 total trips for the same three days three weeks ago.
Latest Updates: Coronavirus Outbreak in New York
White House emphasizes how hard New York is being hit.
New York police report a drop in crime and a rise in infection among officers.
Governor Cuomo becomes the politician of the moment.
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Updated 15m ago
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The New York Taxi Workers Alliance, which represents about 21,000 taxi and ride-app drivers, said a detailed survey of seven members who are taxi drivers found they earned an average of $368 — not including expenses, gas or taxes — from March 15 to March 21, a 71 percent drop from $1,260 two weeks earlier.
Bhairavi Desai, the alliance’s executive director, said it had received calls from dozens of taxi drivers who can no longer afford to pay for necessities like groceries and medicine.
ImageSome drivers have seen the number of rides drop by more than 90 percent.
Some drivers have seen the number of rides drop by more than 90 percent. Credit...Chang W. Lee/The New York Times
“They are facing immediate loss of income when they have no savings to fall back on and an uncertain future as to when the economy will begin to recover," she said. “It’s devastating. I thought we had hit a low point already.”
Across the country, taxi and ride-app drivers have seen their business all but disappear in cities like San Francisco, where people have been ordered to shelter in place, as well as other communities, including Chicago, Philadelphia, and Washington.
Taxi owners need immediate help to survive, Ms. Desai said, including making interest-free city loans available and requiring lenders to partially forgive loans for medallions and temporarily suspend collection of loan payments.
And she urged that state unemployment benefits be extended to taxi drivers, who are considered independent contractors and do not qualify.
A spokesman for New York City’s Taxi and Limousine Commission, which regulates the for-hire driving industry, said officials were working with the taxi industry and government agencies “on a number of supportive measures” but declined to give any details, saying discussions were ongoing.
20-Somethings Now Realizing That They Can Get Coronavirus, TooMarch 23, 2020
Density Is New York City’s Big ‘Enemy’ in the Coronavirus FightMarch 23, 2020
Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo was seeking federal disaster assistance that would provide unemployment benefits to contract workers, including taxi drivers.
The City Council speaker, Corey Johnson, a Democrat who is running for mayor, has proposed a $12 billion relief plan for businesses and workers impacted by the coronavirus — which would cover for-hire drivers. The plan includes expanded unemployment benefits and an immediate payout of $550 to every adult and $275 to every child.
“This crisis is unlike anything we’ve ever seen before,” said Mr. Johnson, who has led recent efforts to help the ailing taxi industry. “Every New Yorker is struggling, and for-hire vehicle drivers are among the hardest hit.”
A sample pool of 5,533 for-hire drivers in New York City — most of whom work for Uber and other ride apps — found that they drove significantly fewer hours and miles, according to Nexar, a software company that analyzes data from its network of smart dashboard cameras.
On March 18, they drove an average of 3 hours and 35 minutes, down 39 percent from 5 hours and 50 minutes on a typical Wednesday. They also covered an average of 48 miles, a 32 percent drop from 71 miles.
“This is so massive and so sudden, it’s a shock to the system,” said Eran Shir, Nexar’s co-founder and chief executive officer, who has seen similar drops in other cities. “We’ve never seen anything like that.”
Uber and Lyft declined to release their ride numbers in New York.
But Uber’s chief executive officer, Dara Khosrowshahi, said in a March 19 call with investors that bookings for rides in Seattle and other hard-hit areas had fallen by as much as 60 to 70 percent.
New York City has about 200,000 for-hire drivers licensed by the Taxi and Limousine Commission. The drivers are issued a universal license that allows them to drive yellow taxis, which are capped at nearly 13,600 by the city, and for ride-app services.
The commission, which tracks taxi ridership numbers, has only collected data through January, well before coronavirus reached New York.
Michael Woloz, a longtime taxi industry consultant, said taxi garages had stayed open through some of the city’s worst crises — including the Sept. 11 terror attacks and Hurricane Sandy — but were reeling from the coronavirus fallout.
Many garages, he said, were taking extraordinary steps to get their taxis out on the streets, including reducing leasing fees for drivers by as much as two-thirds.
Other garages were waiving leasing fees altogether, and instead waiting until the end of drivers’ shifts to see if there was any profit to split.
“Right now, it’s the worst it’s ever been,” Mr. Woloz said.
At Kennedy Airport, taxi drivers are stuck in a central holding area for hours before finally being dispatched to pick up passengers at the terminals.
The other day, dozens of taxis were lined up, with some drivers talking on their cellphones to pass the time while others leaned back for a nap.
Edrice Ulysses, 57, of Brooklyn, pounded on his steering wheel in frustration. “Every day one fare,” he said. ”Eight hours, nine hours, ten hours, one fare.”
Marc Petit-Homme, 54, a yellow taxi driver for nearly three decades, said the airport was so slow one day that he finally gave up and drove to Manhattan looking for passengers.
But over five hours, he made just $49 — normally, it would be five or 10 times that much.
So the next day, he was back at the airport. Waiting. “The last two weeks, we suffer,” said Mr. Petit-Homme, as he paced nervously beside his taxi.
Many taxi drivers said their financial worries were compounded by fears of catching the virus and passing it on to their families.
Nino Hervias, a taxi owner who is 61 and had pneumonia last year, has not driven his taxi since March 17.
Mr. Hervias, who has a loan of more than half-a-million dollars on his medallion, said he cannot make the monthly payments on that or on the mortgage on his family’s home in New Jersey, or even cover their everyday living expenses.
“We have food for another two days,’’ he said.
Other taxi owners and drivers are taking their chances, armed with hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes.
Wilfred Fequiere, 64, who lives in Queens and has driven a cab for 35 years, said he used to average a dozen passengers a day. Now, it is two passengers, if he is lucky, but sometimes none at all.
“Before it wasn’t good,” he said. “Now it’s worse.”
The Bankruptcy Court is Alexandria is Postponing the Trustee Hearings. Because of the corona virus, bankruptcy hearings in Alexandria VA scheduled up through April 10 are postponed. (I’m guessing the rest of April will get postponed, too.) Postponed Until When? There’s no news on when they will be reschedule, or how. Some courts have adopted […]
The post Bankruptcy Trustee Hearings Postponed Due to Virus by Robert Weed appeared first on Robert Weed - .